Our Projects

Help for Orphan Child

  1. To provide a safe and comfortable shelter for street children.
  2. To take proper care of orphaned children in terms of health, diet, and education.
  3. To provide medical care to orphaned and street children when required.
  4. To advocate for children’s rights and advocate against child labor.
  5. To provide Sunday school services.
  6. To ensure mental peace, a comfortable place, and an effective environment for the growth of the orphaned and street children.

Fanancial Help for Poor Families

  1. To serve the needy and poverty-stricken Christian families working at brick kilns.
  2. To support the Christian families who have either lost their income source or their wages were reduced due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
  3. To provide financial assistance and food services to poor families.
  4. To provide medical help to families who cannot afford the expenses.
  5. To help the poor women in managing their households and looking after them.
  6. To provide emotional support and counseling to the people.

Clean Water For the Orphans

  1. Pakistan seemed to have ignored the growing severity of the water crisis.
  2. To fulfill our ministry goal. Our purpose has and will always include the delivery of water schemes to those with no access to clean water.
  3. To ensure the supply of clean drinking water in water-scarce areas through the installation of handpumps.
  4. To ensure every orphan child drinks clean water

Funds for Church Buildings

  1. To preach the Gospel to the children and people who do not have access to Bible Teaching Institutes and Churches.
  2. To help them know about Jesus and that He is our savior.
  3. To ensure proper understanding and comprehension about eternal life and salvation.
  4. To teach them how to pray for themselves and for others.
  5. To make sure that the children and the people get proper education about the Bible and get to know about God and have His experience in life no matter what the life situation is.

get involve

get involve we've funded 4 charity projects for 300+ people around the Pakistan

Local Fundraising (from Pakistan)

Little Angles of God Ministry also raise funds from local people of Pakistan. Locally generated funds cannot fulfill our required needs; we are able to support only 3 to 4 families. Which is insufficient for our ministry goals and vision. Our major target is the people who work at the brick kilns throughout the day without a rest but get little or no wages, those orphan children who are left alone on the streets and have nowhere to go and no resource of their own to grow efficiently and empowering Christian women to start their own small businesses to support their children and families.

To accomplish all of our above-mentioned goals, we need your help because we cannot do it alone.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive” ~Acts 20:35”