You're the Hope to others!


The generosity of our community of supporters across the globe continuously helps our ministry to empower the Christian community of Pakistan. We are immensely grateful to our donors who offer their support and recognize their role in the mission of “Little Angels of God Ministry” to outspread the holy teachings of the Gospel to masses across the Pakistan, enlighten the people about God’s grace and provide assistance to the people doing strenuous work for hours on end with little wages.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive” ~Acts 20:35

More blessed? What does that mean? It means that you will get more blessings, have more joy, experience greater happiness, from giving than from receiving. What should we give? The one who said it also demonstrated it. He gave up something significant for those he loved. If you believe the Bible, you believe that Jesus left his home in heaven, and relinquished some of the prerogatives of divinity he shared with his Father, in order to come to earth to live and die for mankind. The question then is, not just what have you given, but what have you given up? 

To give of your abundance is good; to give by sacrificing something you value is better.